Monday, December 14, 2009

more and more thoughts...

we just entered one of my most favorite and most dreaded times of year. It finnaly snowed and is really cold outside... I can be ok with the rain cause its what keeps this wonderful city so green but the snow... Im thinkin it should stay on the mountains lol but I will take it as it comes as It really does give children so much joy. This last month has been very very hard on me financially and its begining to take its tole on me mentaly. I lost my phone, grrrrrr after only having it three weeks, my daughter had to have some emergency dental work done and for the 6th or 7th time now someone stole $500 out of my bank account. I reported it to the police because it has realy screwed me up with bills and stuff but they said as long as the bank is reembursing you then thats what comes with having a bank account.. which I understand but geeze lol. I feel bad because I have had to use any extra money I have and borrow just to keep up but still I am struggling and it doesnt make me feel very good at all. I guess maybe this is the universe telling me or showing me that life is not all about money but about the times that can be created with no money needed... Im just tryin to take things almost one second at a time lol and make it work. My daughter is going to her Fathers who lives in washington for Christmas (we wil see if she makes it) which is a blessing in desguise as I dont have much for her for Christmas and he Dad is getting her some good stuff... would be nice if it was child support but hey, the world has a weird way of answering your needs. I have been so much in a slum that my house is a disaster... you would think with having no money, meaning more time at home, that I would clean clean clean... instead I look at it and want to close my eyes and read... why did they not tell me it was a lifetime of cleaning after having children ... kidding, I have pretty much just agreed with myself that I would rather have fun and be an active mum then cleaning all the time and when there is down time to actaully rest so that I have energy to play when needed... ut it is sooo nice to have a clean house... sorry if this seems like a wine fest... anyway I am off to shower then to a friends house to make gingerbread houses :):):) Should be a good old messy fun time. If anyone knows of any work you can do from home that is legit please let me know as I have been looking ut have not found anything and I need to start makin some more $$$

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